news from our rabbitry in Valley Mills, TX... Championship-Quality Netherland Dwarfs & Holland Lops

Thursday, June 3, 2010

MUST SELL OUT- Unique Opportunity

Asking $600 for completye package of rabbits, cages, nestboxes, show tables, supplies. This is a championship-quality line of NDs we've been working hard on for over 15 years. Must sell due to a new job & I can't move the rabbits or there's no way I'd want to lose them.

6 ND bucks
14 ND does
13 ND babies in nestboxes
18 18"x24" cages (units of 2)
18 24"x24" cages (units of 2)
13 ND nextboxes
2 HL nextboxes
18 show carriers (most 4-hole)
show table
1 show dolley
various feed & water bowls


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