news from our rabbitry in Valley Mills, TX... Championship-Quality Netherland Dwarfs & Holland Lops

Monday, February 25, 2008

New Rabbit Photos from This Weekend

We had some extra time over at Augie's (Grandma's) this weekend and Amara and I took some new photos of the younger generation of our rabbits.

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Tank's Acorn (Chocolate Otter)- out of Tank's Meilyr, pictured at right.

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Acorn's brother, Tank's Almond (also Chocolate Otter)

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Tank's Chatter (Black), named out of the nestbox by Garron because she made the cutest chattering sound.

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Couldn't get a great photo of Tank's Ena (Siamese Sable) but I thought this shot of Amara and Ena hugging was adorable.

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Tank's Rashida (Chocolate), out of Tank's Dakir and Sisele. Sweet girl!

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Tank's Aiobh (Black). The pic doesn't do her justice.

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Gorgeous little Tank's Bacchus (Opal) Mr. Personality of the new gen. Brother to Chatter and...

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Tank's Sapphire (Siamese Sable Chin), who is interested in the oatmeal!

Another of Sapphire, just 'cause I think she's beautiful.

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Tank's Kelita (Black) If she'd just lift her ears this would be a great photo.

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And last but hardly least, Tank's Diana (Chestnut Agouti).

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Photo Mosaic

This is kinda cool... I found it using FaceBook. It is a photo mosaic of the title photo of this blog, our showtable cover, using different rabbit show photos. Enjoy!

To see the photos more closely, click the image to zoom in.

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Monday, February 4, 2008

February 2008 Rabbit Breeding


Kate (Apollo/Drew- black) to Hiram (black)

Seshata (Bjorn/Kacia- black otter) to Ivor (Bjorn/Drew- sable marten)

Olympia (Bjorn/Drew- chestnut agouti) to Silver Dragon (Phoenix/Seshata- sable marten)

Freya (Domhnall/Ursula- chocolate otter) to Almond (Meilyr/Habiba- chocolate otter)

Oseya (Thor/Kate- siamese sable) to Domhnall (Hector/Mystery{Smith Kwazee}- chinchilla)

Habiba (Thor/Kate- black) to Meilyr (Smith/Polly- black otter)

Ilene (Ulf/Sigrid- black otter) to Acorn (Meilyr/Habiba- chocolate otter)

Dyvette (Dakir/Yvette- black) to Jean-Claude (chestnut)

Sisele (Domhnall/Oseya- chinchilla) to Phoenix (sable marten)

Diana (Meilyr/Olympia- chestnut agouti) to Phoenix (sable marten)

M'Nyara (Dakir/Emma- black) to Silver Dragon (Phoenix/Seshata- sable marten)

Nyosha (Dakir/Emma- black) to Thor (Bjorn Kacia{Dakir/Madelyne}- black otter)

Emma (tortoiseshell) to Tighearnan (Domhnall/Little Silver{Tadge/Calypso[Turco/Drew]}- siamese sable)

Rain (blue) to Dakir (Tadge/Abebe- black)

Bekah Dot (broken black) to Tighearnan (Domhnall/Little Silver{Tadge/Calypso[Turco/Drew]}-siamese sable)

Inge (Ulf/Sigrid- blue otter) to Thor (Bjorn/Kacia{Dakir/Madelyne}- black otter)


Gretchen (Dirk{Stu/Lexa}/Dora- black) to Fritz (Maximus/Josian- broken chestnut agouti)

Dora (opal) to Taco Bueno (black)

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Bacchus (opal)
Chatter (black)
Sapphire (smoke pearl agouti)

out of Domhnall/Dyvette

Kelita (black)

out of Jean-Claude/M'Nyara

Rashida (chocolate)

out of Dakir/Sisele

Aiobh (black)
Ena (siamese sable)

out of Tighearnan/Oseya

Lisabet (chestnut agouti)

out of Domhnall/Seshata

Sunday, February 3, 2008

It's Been Too Long...

... since I've updated this blog and I must apologize for that! Life has been hectic this past year, with lots of re-organization in the company where I work, health issues involving my grandmother, my mom and me, challenges from seemingly every front. Here's hoping 2008 will be better than 2007.

... since we've been to a show. I hope people realize we're still in the business. I mentioned my grandmother's health, she is completely bed-ridden now and things have been rough, especially for my mom. This spring, we hope to celebrate our 20th year raising and showing rabbits, though you may see odd mixtures of us attending.

... since we've had baby rabbits in the nestbox. Our last breeding didn't go well at all- only two kits out of about ten does bred. Luckily we have the chance to correct that. Our rabbitry has gotten much younger lately, as I wrote back on July 20. Looking back, it's fun to see that we kept many of the young ones mentioned.

Out of Tank's Domhnall and Tank's Dyvette, we kept Tank's Bacchus, a typey little opal buck (although his color could better,) Tank's Chatter, a tiny teacup-sized Dwarf with great type and Tank's Sapphire, a lovely doe of unrecognized color. I believe she is an agouti-patterned smoke pearl.

Let me step up on my soapbox for just a minute... I cannot stand the fact that the ARBA and the ANDRC are so conservative in their policies regarding the recognition of Netherland Dwarf colors. My opinion is, if a color is genetically possible, it should be described and recognized. If a dwarf breeder wants to work on that color, they should be allowed to exhibit any color, provided it matches the description offered.

But I digress. We also kept Tank's Aiobh and Ena out of Tighearnan and Oseya. Aiobh (pronounced, roughly, "Eve,") is possibly the best rabbit we have ever produced, and I don't say so lightly. She is black in color and I look forward to her meeting and beating some REWs and BEWs. Her sister is a Siamese Sable with very nice color, surprising me as both parents are very dark Siamese Sables, bordering on plain Sable. Ena's disposition is particularly pleasant- she wants human attention constantly and is always up front and ready for time out.

Also added were chestnut agouti Tank's Lisabet, from Domhnall and Tank's Seshata, Tank's Rashida, a typey chocolate doe with excellent color from Tank's Dakir and Tank's Sisele; and Tank's Kelita, a black doe out of Jean-Claude and Tank's M'Nyara.

Our next breeding will be focused on several goals. First, we want to shore-up our black otters, as we are down to only two breeding does. Secondly, we need to produce something out of several does on the bubble, who have been kept due to color and variety. Most notably, Becca's Bekah Dot, our only broken doe, needs to kindle this time. We plan to try her with Tighearnan, as he seems to produce large litters with good quality. Thirdly, we want to take advantage of our growing selection of shaded colors and chocolates and see how much fun we can have!

... since we've listed anything for sale. I would say that several of the rabbits previously mentioned would be available for the right offer, one being Tank's Kelita. We have plenty of black does and she'd be excellent, especially for somebody looking to improve the hindquarters-area. This doe has bodacious booty! We also have blue otters, blues and sable martens that may come available. Feel free to e-mail us, rabbittank at grandecom dot net or catch us at a show if interested.