news from our rabbitry in Valley Mills, TX... Championship-Quality Netherland Dwarfs & Holland Lops

Monday, February 25, 2008

New Rabbit Photos from This Weekend

We had some extra time over at Augie's (Grandma's) this weekend and Amara and I took some new photos of the younger generation of our rabbits.

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Tank's Acorn (Chocolate Otter)- out of Tank's Meilyr, pictured at right.

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Acorn's brother, Tank's Almond (also Chocolate Otter)

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Tank's Chatter (Black), named out of the nestbox by Garron because she made the cutest chattering sound.

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Couldn't get a great photo of Tank's Ena (Siamese Sable) but I thought this shot of Amara and Ena hugging was adorable.

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Tank's Rashida (Chocolate), out of Tank's Dakir and Sisele. Sweet girl!

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Tank's Aiobh (Black). The pic doesn't do her justice.

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Gorgeous little Tank's Bacchus (Opal) Mr. Personality of the new gen. Brother to Chatter and...

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Tank's Sapphire (Siamese Sable Chin), who is interested in the oatmeal!

Another of Sapphire, just 'cause I think she's beautiful.

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Tank's Kelita (Black) If she'd just lift her ears this would be a great photo.

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And last but hardly least, Tank's Diana (Chestnut Agouti).

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