news from our rabbitry in Valley Mills, TX... Championship-Quality Netherland Dwarfs & Holland Lops

Wednesday, June 20, 2007

RESULTS a/o June 20:

We had a major breeding about 31 days ago. Despite some sultry temperatures and multiple failures of our air conditioning system, our little Netherland Dwarf does are coming through! Here's a summary...

Delivered June 19:

Tank's Seshata/Dwarf Hill's Phoenix- 3 babies- looks like two of these will be a dilute coloration and either Marten or Otter.

Tank's Habiba/Tank's Meilyr- 3 babies- one of these looks dilute, very promising looks.

Caldwell's Emma/ Tank's Tighernan- 2 babies- one baby may be a REW, it was born with it's eyes open, so survival is doubtful. The other is most certainly a Tortoiseshell!

Tank's Oseye/Tank's Domhnall- 2, stillborn

Delivered June 20:

Tank's Sigrid/Tank's Thor- 1 baby

Tank's Muireaghl/Tank's Ivor- 2 babies

Tank's Dyvette/Tank's Meilyr- 3, stillborn

Tank's Ursula/Caldwell's Joachim- 2, stillborn

Tank's Ilene/Tank's Domhnall- busy in her nestbox as I type!

Still out: Tank's Freya, Tank's Olympia, Tank's Kate, Tanks Norah Jones

More news as it comes...


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