Hello there! Hope everybody is having a great summer and your rabbits are staying cool. Above is Tank's Hans, our newest Holland Lop buck. My mom says I always give the Holland Lops short-shrift, so that's where we start and end in today's post. Following are photos of new and available rabbits for sale:

Bacchus and M'Nyara produced two wonderful little chestnut agoutis, above.

Busy Bacchus also gave us this blue otter with Inge, (at right, not for sale, sorry!) and a black and siamese sable pair of bucks via Oseye (both available!)

Diana and Dakir gave us a sweet black doe and a REW.

Somewhere far, far back in their pedigrees, Thor (black otter) and Emma (tortoiseshell) had some himalayan-patterned relatives, as they surprised us with three himi does!

Jean-Claude and Sesheta gave us a short-eared pair of cuties- one black otter and one chestnut.

Meilyr and Kelita teamed to have our newest black otter out of his storied line, Tank's Gunter (not for sale.)

... and we'll leave off where we began, with Tank's Hans (fawn) and his orange sister with the interesting ears!
We also have several adult rabbits for sale- Tank's Aiobh (black doe,) Tank's Ilene (black otter- proven doe,) Tank's Nyosha (black- proven doe,) Tank's Ivor (sable marten buck,) Tank's Silver Dragon (silver marten buck,) and Hopperhaus' Hiram (black buck- two legs.) Photos of these rabbits can be found in the posts under this one, or I will send new ones upon request.
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