It's been a while since I've posted anything, my apologies. Still working to get everything on transferred over from the old geocities account. I also have TONS of new photos to add to our Galley pages.
We've had horrible luck with our air conditioning system this summer. Looks like we'll be out around $600 to fund repairs. We have money coming in from sales but hardly enough to cover.
We may be forced to sell out of Holland Lops completely. I wish we didn't have to but our Dwarf program is so much stronger, so it's a logical move. Also, it will allow us room to expand our Netherland Dwarfs, perhaps even to enter another color or experiment with colors. It's one of those head vs. heart battles. Sigh.
Looks like most of our babies from the last breeding have been sold or will be hoarded by us :-) More does had their litters after my last post- Ilene and Domhnall are the proud parents of two gorgeous little Chocolate Otters and one super-nice black doe. We're keeping them for now to watch them grow, if you're interested, send me an e-mail at rabbittank at grandecom dot net.
Now it's time to think about our next breeding, which should happen this weekend according to my Llewellyn's Datebook, which lists days fertile for planting and harvesting. This will be the first breeding for several does I can't help but think of as babies, I watched them grow so closely. Tank's M'nyara and Nyosha, sisters; Tank's Sisele, lovely Chinchilla doe; Tank's Diana, who recovered from an injury she sustained at a show when a judge slammed a door on her leg; and Becca's Bekah Dot, our broken doe pictured with Garron on the "Love Breeds Champions" page. We have a commitment to her terrific youth breeder, who lives in West Texas, to split the first litter. She'll be bred to Tank's Domhnall, our Chin buck that has produces so well with such quality.
Please keep watching for more photos and rabbits for sale. If you're interested in some great Holland Lops, now's the time to contact us. THANK YOU for reading!
news from our rabbitry in Valley Mills, TX... Championship-Quality Netherland Dwarfs & Holland Lops
Thursday, August 2, 2007
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