news from our rabbitry in Valley Mills, TX... Championship-Quality Netherland Dwarfs & Holland Lops

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Help Needed from Our Rabbit-Raising Friends

If you've shown rabbits in Texas over the last 20 years, we may have met. Our rabbitry is called The Rabbit Tank. We're the folks in blue. In the last couple of years, my daughter Amara has started to travel and show with us and my son Garron wants to begin this year. I started off raising rabbits in FFA in high school and it blossomed into our family hobby.

We raise Netherland Dwarfs and Holland Lops. We haven't been able to show as often as we'd like to, due to multiple reasons over the last 2-3 years but when we go our lines are very competitive. We are particularly proud of our NDs. You can see our site and blog at

I'll be very direct- my mother is losing her house due to the big mortgage crisis. It's weird to see something on the news and to also have your personal life affected by it. It's almost like a disaster has happened. My mom was a teacher in Texas for 25 years and retired to take care of my grandparents in their last years of life, thus her funds are extremely limited.

Our rabbitry is located in Valley Mills, TX at the house she's losing. She is planning to move into my sister's house, a smaller place she owns. We have a garage that can be converted to a rabbitry that will allow us to keep a small herd of rabbits. I'm doing all I can but with Am, Garron and Eilena, who was just born in May, things are tight.

In order to make it work, I've contacted a contractor who says he can convert it for $2,000. It is hard to ask for help from our friends when we know everyone's supply of money is limited these days. It's a prospect both of us have wrestled with in the last two months. But I am writing this message to ask for any help anyone can offer.

I don't want my mother to lose her rabbitry. She's lost both her parents in the last four years and I feel like the rabbits are her lifeline. Please contact me if you think you can help- anything you can offer is appreciated greatly.

Thank you,

Brian Tankersley
The Rabbit Tank